Thursday, August 12, 2004

A Different Ring

This is a different kind of blog. Instead of my own random ramblings or the diary of a work-at-home dad, you're going to get fiction. Fantasy, to be exact. Swords, and Sorcery and maybe a dragon or an elf. You can never tell.

This story started a long time ago, on a different service, but that story was never finished. I had a co-writer then, but she has abandoned her part of it (Diane, if you want to play, just let me know! You're always welcome)

Frankly, I'm starting this simply because I'm curious to see how it ends.

So, a couple of ground rules: I'll try to post chunks of story once a week or so. I'll try NOT to have to go to earlier sections and edit them, but I will if I think the story needs it. I'm gratefull for any responses, suggestions, flames, etc. On the other hand, it's my story and I'll make the decisions.

So, on to the first section.

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